Sunday, June 15, 2014



Erayga "history" taariikh marka aad ka eegto qaamuuska waxaa uu kuu sheegayaa iney tahay "dhacdooyin la keydiyey, loona diyaariyey ama la isugu xijiyey sidey u kala danbeeyeen xagga waqtiga, maalmaha, bilaha, sannadaha iyo qarniyada ay soo sameysmeen. Asal ahaa eraygan (history) wuxuu ka soo jeedaa Greek waxeyna u yaqaaneen ama macnihiisu ahaa "su'aal ama weydiin" waxaa kaloo lagu qeexaa xagga cilmiga, barashada dhacdooyinkii la soo dhaafay, gaar ahaan kuwa la xiriira aadanaha. Ogow sheeko xariirooyinka la xiriira dhaqanka ka mid maaha taariikhaha wax lagu qotomiyo.

Haddaba aadanuhu waa noolaha kaliya ee taariikhda sameeya ama reeba. Inta badan taariikhuhu waxey ka dhex dhashaan bulshooyinka hadba markaa jira, waxeyna aad ugu dhex tarmaan bulshooyinka fur furan oo iyagu aqbali og isbedelada ka dhex dhesha, laakiin taariikhaha inta badan waxa sameeya ama reeba hogaamiye yaasha xagga siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha iyo baarayaasha cilmiga dhabta ah ee soo saara ama xal u hela ciladaha jira ee dhibaatada ku haya aadanaha.

Tusaalooyin badan ayaan jeclahay inaan qormadan idinku tuso, inkastoo siyaasiyiintu ay yihiin dadka ugu badan ee taariikhaha reebay lehna saameynta ugu badan, hadana waxaa dowr muhim ah ka tagey raggii alifay cilmiga xaqiiqiga ah oo inaan magacyadooda xusnana ay muhiim tahay sida, Isaac Newton oo ahaa saynisyahankii xagga fisigiska iyo xisaabaadka, laguna xusuusto daah ka rogiddii cufasjiidadka "gravity". Plato isna wuxuu ahaa philosopher isla markaana aad uga aflaxay macalinkiisii philosopher Socrates, iyo Aristotle oo ahaa ardaygii Plato, dhamaan raggan aan soo sheegnay waxey taariikh dhaxal gal ah uga tageen cilmiga falsafada ee jaamacadaha lagu darso maanta. Adigoo aan ilaaweyn raggii socdaalada wax ku keenay sida Christopher Columbus, iyo Vasco Dagama.

Intaa kadib akhristow ii ogolow inaan ku noqdo siyaasiyiinta oo ah dadka ugu saameynta badan ee taariikhaha ka taga ama sameeya, sida aad ogtahayba bulshooyinka caalamka waxey aad uga sheekeeyaan raggii xagga siyaasad raadka uga tagay, tusaale African- ku waxey aad uga sheekeeyaan raggii xornimada ka shaqeeyey iyo kuwii talada u qabtay xornimadii kadib, halkaa soo ay (stuck) ku noqdeen amaba ay soo dhaafi waayeen, is badelada siyaasadeed oo ku yar aawadeed. Laakiin dadyowga kale ee caalamku sidaa maaha, oo waxey heystaan wax badan oo ay ka sheekeeyaan amaba dib ugu noqdaan marka laga reebo qeybo Asia ka mida oo lagu daray Latin America, kuwaa soo ay la hartay nidaadmyo keli talis ah oo aan u ogoleyn cid kale oo timaada.

Isbadelada hogaamiye yaasha siyaasadda ee wadamada Europe iyo North America kadib doorashayoonka ayaa waxey keentay in wadamadaasi ay soo maraan madaxweynayaal iyo ra'iisal wasaarayaal tiro badan oo mid walba ka tagay taariikho wax ku ool ah, hadaba dhacdooyinka ka dhasha  isbedelada ayaa waxa ay sababtay haddii dhacdo cusubi timaado in taariikhahooda dib loogu noqdo bal iney horey u dhacdaay taa soo kale. Tusaale 20-kii Jan ee sannad kii 2009-kii ayaa markii xilka loo dhaarinayey madaxweynaha hadda xilka haya ee Mareykanka Mr Barack Obama ayaa waxa uu qalday dhaartii uu ka daba oranayey ninkii u dhaarinayey xilka, taasina waxey keentay in dhaartii madaxweynaha dib loogu celiyo maalintii xigtay ee 21-kii Jan 2009-kii, waxaa la is weydiiyey iney horey u dhacday in madaxweye Mareykani oo la soo doortay inuu qaldo dhaartii hadana dib loogu celiyo, keydka taariikhda madaxweynayaashii soo maray wadanka waxaa laga helay ilaa 7 madaxweyne  oo wadanka soo maamulay dhaartiina dib loogu ceshay, laga soo bilaabo madaxweynihii 21aad James A Garfield oo dib loogu ceshay dhaartii taariikhdu markay aheyd 20-kii Sept 1881-kii, waxaa sidoo kale dhaartii lagu ceshay madaxweyne Woodrow Wilson sannadkii 1917-kii. Dwight Eisenhower sannadkii 1957-kii. Ronald Reagan sannadkii 1985-kii iyo kuwo kale oo aanan soo wada qori karin. Sidoo kale Eric Cantor oo ahaa hogaamiyaha inta badan "majority leader" ee congress-ka Mareykanka kana socda xisbiga republican-ka ayaa doorasho hoosaadka xisbigooda qof kii kursiga degmadaasi ku soo geli lahaa congress-ka mar uu u ordayey inuu adkeysto kursigaas oo markaaba uu ku fadhiyey si ugu noqdo markii 8aad ayaa u shaqeyn weyday oo waxaa doorasho hoosaadka uga adkaaday nin aan siyaasadda horey ugu jirin David Brat oo ahaa macalin jaamacadeed oo dhaqaale yahan ah. Hadaba Eric Cantor guul darada ku timi 3 maalmood mudo laga joogo hadda,  isagoo weliba ahaa ragga ugu sar sareeya saraakiisha xisbiga republican-ka ayaa waxey keentay in taariikhda dib loogu noqdo bal inay horey u dhacday qof ilaa heerkaa ah oo lagu jabiyey doorasho hoosaadka labada xisbi midkood, waxaa la soo xusuustay keydkana laga soo helay Mr. Thomas S. Foley oo ahaa gudoomiyihii aqalka Congress-ka in looga adkaaday doorashadii guud sannad kii  1994-kii. 

Hal doornimada siyaasadda waxey keentaa in lala socdo hadba talaabada aad qaadeyso lana geliyo bogga taariikhaha, Mr. Tony Blair ayaa la sheegaa inuu ahaa ninkii soo nooleeyey Xisbiga Labor-ka oo uu ka tirsanaa kadib dedaal badan oo uu geshay iyo aftahannimo dheeraada oo uu la yimi, taa soo keentay in uu ku guuleysto in uu ra'iisal wasaare u noqdo dalka Britain sannadkii 1997-dii, hadaba marka laga hadlayo sida loo soo nooleeyo xisbi siyaasadeed oo sii dhimanaya sida loo soo nooleeyo waxaa tusaale loo soo qaataa Tony Blair oo taarikhda laga eegaa sida uu wax yiri. Sheekooyinkan iyo malaayiin kale oo badan ayaa ka dhaca wadamada dadkoodu jecel yihii in isbedel la helo mar walba, dadkaasina waxey heystaan wax yaabo badan oo ay ka sheekeeyaan oo taariikhahooda soo maray xagga siyaasadda, dhaqaalaha, tacliinta IWM. Laakiin akhristow waxaad ogtaa inaanu taariikh sameyn qof dictator ah oo 40 sano kursi isaga fadhiyey, ma oran karno Mr Mugabe-ga Zimbabwe ayaa taariikh sameeyey ama Qadaafigii reer Liibiya, Max'ed Siyaad-kii Soomaaliya, Xusni Mubaarak-gii Masar iyo dictators-ka kale ee iyagu aan ogoleyn wadamadoodu inay noqdaan kuwo fur furan isbadelna diyaar u ah.

Saturday, May 31, 2014


                                                               SOMALI SCRIPT

(Script definition: dictionary say "the letters or characters used in writing by hand; handwriting,  cursive writing).

Somali language had no written scripts before 1972 but, Somalis were still educated throug other languges, such as English, Arabic, Italian and etc, according to Somali and foreign historians. 
Before 1972 Somalis could write and speak those three languages  fluently. Due to educational stage limits, only elementary levels could be available to graduate, where high schools and colleges were future dreams. But highly qualified teachers and educators were the product of those elementary schools.

Since that, many different Somali script  were proposed after the independent in 1960. Finally Somali Latin alphabet were adopted officially in 1972. The good thing here is to have our own scripts, but the bad thing was when the school syllabus were based on Somali language include the scientific course such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, and so on, all science terminologies were translated into Somali. To my way of thinking, it wasn't pretty awesome to implement such this ugly ideology or to Somalizize the school curriculum which caused huge setback to Somali society. Many Somali scholars suffered language barrier when they travelled to overseas.

Governments shape the societies, yes we had good quality of educational system but, the bad impact was, the change of school syllabus into local language. I wasn't much lucky to be one of Somali National University graduates because of my age, but I wouldn't be so happy too, to look ignorant while I'm educator and graduate from the local National University.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Culturally every nation on earth has it's own fairytales, Somalis had number of interesting fairytales such as (Dhag dheer, Cigal Shiidaad, Cali Duul Duul, Axmed Beenaale) and etc. Most of these fairytales were published by the Ministry Of Culture And Higher education during civilian and military governments before 1990s. 

The story of Somaliland reminds me, Mr C. S. Lewis who tried to write a fairytale story for his new born baby girl, Mr Lewis thought he could finish his book (The Lion, The Witch And Wardrobe) before his baby girl grew older and older, but something deferent happened, his fairytale is as follows.
"Dear Lucy, 
I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again"

Somaliland could not finish the fairytale of breakaway story before the kids grew older, however today for some reason no kid will buy the concept of separation.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Continuing of our last column titled "Somaliland stuck on borders" actually Somaliland didn't stuck on border issues only but, stuck on finding recognition from African countries, Arabs, Wester Europe, North America, Regional, and International Organizations, over the last 22 years too, spending millions of dollars of tax payers money, to hire group of lawyers, advisors, experts, and high mileage trips to overseas.

To all of these nothing done yet to them, except coming back home with empty handed, now the question is, what is wrong with their project, are they in the right side of this process. Simply no to this question, why Somaliland is not in the right position of this process, the answer of this question is as follows.

There are international standars to process such this huge project, let us take examples. Quebec is French spoken State in Canada which twice suggested to be sovereign or independent State from Canada in 1980 and 1995 Quebec leaders started to negotiate with the federal government of Canada, which was the right direction to do this job done, after long debate both Quebec and the federal government agreed to hold referendum for Quebeck citizens either to breakaway or remain part of Canada, the referendum was held and resulted "NO" because of that result Quebec remained to be part of Canada. The biggest reason Quebec couldn't breakaway was, people of Quebec voted down both referendums and were not ready to breakaway from Canada, that is why they voted "NO". 

An other example in Africa,  (Southern Sudan) after 23 years of bloody struggle between SPLA and Sudanese government ended to negotiate on roun table, priorities were given to have peaceful solutions and end the civil war, second project was to create environment to built a coalition government or "National Unity Goverment", third project was power-sharing, fourth project was resource sharing, and fith project was to hold referendum after 5 years, for southerners to breakaway from the rest of Sudan or remain part of it.

What is the main factor both Quebec and Sudanese sides share, Quebec leaders started to negotiate with federal government before declaring any unilateral decisions, but Somaliland declared unilateral decisions with out respect of the mainland. SPLA led by late John Garang agreed with Sudan to have National Unity Government, means to join Sudanese government first and made the refrumdom option last code. Which finally resulted to break from Sudan after 5 years of coalition government. The factor they share both Quebec and SPLA is, being part of system first and negotiated.

Now is there any factor Somaliland shares with these examples we mentioned above, "NO", ok how about the out standing questions of "do Somalilanders agree all of them the idea of breaking away project from mainland Somalia?" What about the different tribes who belong to those States in North Somalia, do they welcome this project or vote down against?. Is there any political disaffection among these tribes?, or is only enough to hear one voice from one tribe one side to declare breakaway decisions, who are the decision makers?, let us analyse all these to our next column.


Los Angeles, California.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Since the colonial withdrew from Somalia in 1950s. Italian Somaliland (Southern Somalia) became "a UN trusted territory under Italian administration, and the country was granted internal autonomy for ten years till Somalis held presidential election after independent in 1960.

British Somaliland (Northern Somalia) wasn't that lucky as Italian Somaliland and never had any  formal administration or "internal autonomy" like the Southern Somalia, till Somaliland united with south Somalia under the name of Somali republic.
In 1991 after the collapse of Somali central government, Somaliland declared self imposed government and broke away from the rest of the country.

Since that, Somaliland had suffered a confusion of border issues, arguing there was international border between the North and Southern part of Somalia during British and Italian era. However Somaliland couldn't understand the definition and the difference between "international and inter-state borders, borders define geographic boundaries of political entities such as governments and sovereign States, (remember as we mentioned above British  Somaliland never had any political system, as Italian Somaliland had internal autonomy which could decide her political geographic boundaries), in most cases "International borders are territorial limits of the governments, which are fully controlled and crossed legally only at designated border checkpoints and border zones. Whereby inter-state borders are open, crossed freely and remain unguarded. 

Both British and Italian colony never considered the inter-state borders between the two colony zones in Somalia as International borders, and Somalis used to cross freely. Former (OAU) Organization of African Unity known today (AU) African Union had adopted a border resolutions in OAU charter which says as follows. 

(i)the principle of the respect of borders existing on achievement of national independence, as enshrined in the Charter of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), Resolution AHG/Res.16(I) on Border Disputes between African States adopted in Cairo in July 1964, and the Constitutive Act of the African Union, 
Which means the borders of African Countries will remain as it was when they gained the independent. South and North Somalia had inter-state borders but never International borders.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


It was long time since the collapse of Somali central government in 1991, which led the end of 21 years of dictatorial rule in the poor nation. Somalia had no friends in any of international communities, after when the dictatorship rule of Somalia cut the ties with the Soviet Union in 1977 and decreased number of Soviet diplomacies in Mogadishu at that time.
A new era of violence had just started, every one of Somalis was aware approaching the doom but, was helpless and nothing could stop. Tough days had just passed, the life of Somalis turned into mystery, civil wars, diseases and  severe droughts broke out in nation wide. Hundreds of thousands were massacred, millions were displaced, and others died of diseases. Floods of refugees escaped to neighboring countries, residential and business places were looted and burnt down, cities and streets were empty, only armed wagons and unprofessional armed  militias could be seen on the streets.

Over 16 reconciliation summits were held to restore peace and order, to rebuild the failed nation and to stop the violence in the last twenty years but, nothing could be solved, Life became harder and harder to Somali folks. Death and distraction were part of their life but, the raise of Islamists and the pirates were the most dangerous situations to Somalis, Islamists who imposed Sharea law to the southern part of the country, had no political plan and   strategy towards reconciliation and international relations. A UN backed weak Somali transitional government based in Baidaio led by late president Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed faced threats from Islamists, things deteriorated. Eventually Islamists were defeated and transitional government moved to the capital after strong military support from neighboring country of Ethiopia.

However the reconciliation process still on the table, and nothing done yet. But the question is what type of reconciliation is needed, how these people can be reconciled, who are the decision makers, politicians, traditional leaders or religious groups?. Where do we start.